Dental Service Expansion
The Dresner Foundation provided the Gary Burnstein Community Health Clinic a $50,000 grant to expand its free dental services.
The Gary Burnstein Community Clinic provides free medical and dental care to the uninsured, underinsured, and homeless community from around Southeast Michigan. The vast majority of the patients are the working poor, and providing them access to primary care and preventative medicines means helping them keep their jobs, which has a ripple effect on their families and neighborhoods.
The grant will facilitate the hiring of a Dental Director, providing two days of dedicated dental work a week in addition to supervising and managing the operations of the dental clinic. The funds will also cover costs for additional materials and equipment critical for the success of the dental program and a year’s worth of operating costs, including keeping the suites open and operational as well as fully-stocked and prepared.
Learn more about Gary Burnstein Community Health Clinic!